sábado, 30 de abril de 2011


I wanna help you. I wanna be your comfort, I want to listen to whatever it is you have to say. And I want you to tell me if you're mad at me, if I've hurt you in any way. I never meant to hurt you, and somehow all of this writing seems like an apology, but it isn't. I'll apologize when you tell me what I've done wrong. What I've done that has renderer all this coldness against me. And after burning my skull with this interrogations I realize that maybe you aren't cold, you just don't want to talk to me. Maybe something in you changed, maybe I'm not to you who I was, anymore.

Or, it is just not about me. And this is probably the right answer. It is highly likely that your behavior has nothing to do with me. And I, being silly and egocentric, believe I'm of enough importance to alter your behavior. Oh, I have a valuable lesson to learn, that most of the times, I'm not to people, what they are to me.  

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